J35 project on West Run Road.  This project will replace a deteriorated and exposed sewer pipe in the stream in West Run along with slope stabilization on the hillside.  This project began in October and was completed by December 2024. Project Award $146,000.00, completely funded by PA Small Water & Sewer Grant.

Phase 1 CCTV Repair Project is in the Garden Plan area of Munhall.  This project is a result of repairs discovered as part of our “5 Phase Initiative” Borough wide sanitary sewer inspection program.   PA Small Water & Sewer Project Award $300,000.00 This project is being combined with the M49 SFRP below.

M45-Green Infrastructure Project at the former 12th Avenue Playground.  This project is being designed to help control stormwater by holding it in an area under what will be a much larger dog park and proposed GROW Garden for the community.  This project involves the work of different agencies and was awarded $1,500,000.00 or roughly 67% of the project total.  There are additional grant applications that have been or will be applied for.  The estimated cost of this project is $2,300,000.00 

M49 Source Flow reduction project.  This project is being combined with the Phase 1 Repair Project to accomplish 1 ultimate goal.  Reduction of storm water and I & I from getting into the sanitary sewer system.  Identification of “leaky” areas help define a project of this capacity.  We will be working within the Garden Plan and Ravine Street areas lining existing sewer pipes and replacing manholes.  This project has a combined amount of 1,000,000.00 and is completely funded by Grants.