The Munhall Sanitary Sewer Municipal Authority was formed in 2008, after the Borough along with many many other communities were given their Consent Order by the EPA/DEP/ACHD. 

Borough Council decided to branch off the Authority to manage and maintain the Sanitary Sewer System throughout the Borough of Munhall.  This included dye tests, nearly $12,000,000 in sewer system repairs, updates and mapping.  Just to name a few, and we are still improving!  The majority of the sewer system within the Borough is to be on an average of 100 years old.  

The Authority consists of a 100% volunteer 5 Member Board, an Authority Manager, and an Office Assistant.  We subcontract out all of our sewer system work, since it is a specialized type of work.  

The sewer system in Munhall system is considered a hybrid system which means that our system is comprised of approximately 1/4 Combined Sewer System, and 3/4 Closed Sanitary System. 

MSSMA is ONE of the 83 Municipalities that contribute to the ALCOSAN Sewage Treatment Plant.

Munhall Sanitary Sewer Municipal Authority (MSSMA)

3311 Main Street

Munhall PA 15120
(412) 464-7373


Monday through Friday –  9 am to 2 pm